aipa Help

Analysis Results and Visualization

Single Analysis

Volcano Chart Gene

Visual of Volcano Chart Gene


  • Genes are grouped in up-regulated(red), down-regulated(green), and non-significant(gray).

    • If the gene is colored(not gray), it indicates that there is a significant difference in gene expression(fold change).

    • The higher the point, the more significant it is.

  • Panel outlined with group color that shows gene ID, p-value, and log2FC when hovering a data point.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Show/hide a group: Click the group in the chart key.

Mean Average Expression Chart

Visual of Mean Average Expression Chart

  • Genes are grouped in downregulated(blue), upregulated(red), and not significant(gray).

  • Panel that shows the log2FC of a point when hovering.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Show/hide a group: Click the group in the chart key.

Circos Chart

Visual of Circos Chart

  • Result table.

How to:

  • Select a specific pathway: Click the pathway's section on the circumference of the circle.

  • Reset chart: Click inside the chart.

Pathway Volcano Chart

Visual of Pathway Volcano Chart

  • Significant pathways are high and to the right of the chart.

  • Panel that shows pathway name when hovering.

  • Result table.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Use AI Interpretation: Click the information icon (i) beside significant pathways.

  • Change threshold: Edit the threshold input.

  • View specific values of Normalized score: Slide the toggles up/down in the top right corner of the chart.

Forest Chart

Visual of Forest Chart

  • Compare the score of different methods within a pathway.

    • If a method is to the right of the central vertical line, it is up-regulated. If it is to the left, it is down-regulated.

    • If the confidence interval intersects with the central vertical line, it is statistically insignificant.

  • Panel detailing each method's score, CI start, and CI end when hovering by pathway.

  • Result table.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Use AI Interpretation: Click the information icon(i) beside the pathway name.

  • Sort the chart differently: Use the dropdown menu for Sorted by:.

  • Change which methods are displayed: Click the method in the chart key or select/unselect.

  • Change the amount of information seen at once: Slide the toggles up/down on the right-hand side.

Bar Chart

Visual of Bar Chart

  • Compare the score of each method in a pathway.

    • If a method is hashed, it is significant.

  • Panel that shows the score of the methods in the pathway when hovering.

  • Result table.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Use AI Interpretation: Click the information icon (i) beside the pathway name.

  • Sort the chart differently: Use the dropdown menu for Sorted by:.

  • Change which methods are displayed: Click the method in the chart key or select/unselect.

  • Change the threshold: Change the value above the chart.

  • Change the amount of information seen at once: Slide the toggles up/down on the right-hand side.

KEGG Pathway Map

Visual of KEGG Pathway Map

  • Significant genes are outlined.

    • Refer to legend for up-regulated and down-regulated.

  • Panel that shows gene types when hovering over the outlined.

  • Result table.

How to:

  • Export chart: Press Save Canvas and it will download as a png.

  • Show only significant genes: Select Show only significant genes?

    • Change threshold: Area to change shown only after selecting the above.

Pathway Network

Visual of Pathway Network

  • Each node represents a pathway in the analysis. The size of each node indicates how many genes it contains.

  • Edges signify that there are common genes between pathways and indicates how many there are.

  • Panel that shows the p-values of each method.

  • Result table.

How to:

  • Navigate chart: Click on node to drag it around, scroll up to zoom in, scroll down to zoom out, and drag in blank space to move entire chart.

  • Choose which methods are shown: Select/unselect method.

  • Change the amount of pathways shown: Input value into Select top ___ pathways.

  • Sort the pathways differently: Use the dropdown menu beside Selected pathways sorted by:.

  • Export chart: Press Export as PNG and it will download as a png.

Meta Analysis

Venn Diagram

Visual of Venn Diagram

  • Shows the amount of genes and percentage for each applicable analysis/intersection.

  • Panel that shows intersection name and percentage when hovering.

How to:

  • Choose which analyses are used: Select/unselect analysis.

  • View specific information for intersection: Click the intersection to view Gene ID, Symbol, and Description.

    • Search for specific Gene ID, Symbol, or Description: Click on the search icon in the headers.

Heatmap Gene


Visual of Heatmap Gene

  • Heatmaps of -log10 pFDR and log2FC by protein for each applicable analysis.

  • Panel that shows protein name and -log10 pFDR or log2FC when hovering.

  • Export.

How to:

  • View specific values: Slide the toggles up/down for the corresponding heatmap.

  • Change the amount of information seen at once: Slide the toggles up/down on the far right.

KEGG Map Multi Analysis

Visual of KEGG Map Multi Analysis

  • The number of color rectangles in the bottom of a node corresponds to the number of analyses included in the session (refer to legend).

  • Significant genes are outlined

    • Refer to legend for up-regulated and down-regulated.

  • Panel that shows gene types when hovering over the outlined.

How to:

  • Change which analyses are used: Select/unselect analysis.

  • Export chart: Press Save Canvas and it will download as a png.

  • Show only significant genes: Select Show only significant genes?

    • Change threshold: Area to change shown only after selecting the above.

Note: KEGG Map Multi Analysis does not produce a visualization until analyses are chosen.


Visual of Heatmap

  • Panel that shows the enrichment score for method of pathway when hovering the big square and a path when hovering the circle.

  • If the enrichment score is greater than 1, it is overrepresented.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Choose which methods are shown: Select/unselect method.

  • Change the amount of information seen at once: Slide the toggles up/down on the right-hand side.

  • View specific values of some value: Slide the toggles left/right in the bottom right corner of the chart.

Multi Analysis Forest Chart

Visual of Multi Analysis Forest Chart

  • Compare the score of different methods within a pathway between analyses.

    • If a method is to the right of the central vertical line, it is up-regulated. If it is to the left, it is down-regulated.

    • If the confidence interval intersects with the central vertical line, it is statistically insignificant.

  • Panel detailing each method's score.

  • Export.

How to:

  • Change which methods are displayed: Click the method in the chart key or select/unselect.

  • Change the amount of information seen at once: Slide the toggles up/down on the right-hand side.

Multi Analysis Pathway Network

Visual of Multi Analysis Pathway Network

  • Each node represents a pathway in the analysis. The size of each node indicates how many genes it contains.

  • Edges signify that there are common genes between pathways and indicates how many there are.

  • Panel that shows the p-values of each method.

  • Result table.

How to:

  • Navigate chart: Click on node to drag it around, scroll up to zoom in, scroll down to zoom out, and click on blank space to move entire chart.

  • Choose which methods are shown: Select/unselect method.

  • Change the amount of pathways shown: Input value into Select top ___ pathways.

  • Sort the pathways differently: Use the dropdown menu beside Selected pathways sorted by:.

  • Export chart: Press Export as PNG and it will automatically download.

Common Components

Result table

Visual of Result table
How to:

  • Highlight values: Change the thresholds for p-value and p-valueFDR.

  • Select pathways to be shown in the visualization: Use the selectors.

  • Sort and filter data: Click on the header for the desired column.

  • Search for specific ID/Name: Click on the search icon in the header for ID/Name.

  • Export to CSV: Click Export to CSV.


Visual of Export

  • Generally appears in the top left corner of the chart.

  • Export as PNG, JPEG, or SVG.

  • Change width, height, and scale of export.

How to:

  • Hide toolbox: Click the x.

  • Un-hide toolbox: Refresh page.

Last modified: 30 August 2024